
Kao document

Kao document

You our resistance is also vain,
Finally to Japan in 30 years
The trade deficit
I was doing to crash.
Long-standing grudge, South Korea's trade deficit
It has greatly eliminated.
Korean was rapidly dealt with in Japan,
It because was screwed into the Japan of super.
Its achievements have been rapidly expanding.
Among them will fall to the pair Korea even trade deficit.
Material manufacturers,
Because we have drawn up a well technology.
I'll reverse acquisition.
In soon field sauce renal something you guys
While we stepped on the face
It is get to slave life and prostrate.
In order to surely leave no descendants
Children no more Masa without even marriage.
This remains flooded with Korean, it sucked the money in South Korea,
Strange that child-rearing to generation is not filled with children,
So as to low wages,
Further deregulation to praise Koizumi, Hashimoto,
Dismissal relaxation, meritocracy, and the outcome reward
To over-concentration and unstable employment of wealth,
Thoroughly and put pressure on the politicians on TV.
When the financial collapse in the aging population, along with a stretch China
Makara went to steal Dokdo and fish Hitashima.

Because it is no use Nante Kao boycott.
The convenience store company also ion, also Yokado
All because I made in South Korea covered.
It does not it 's such a mon.
PB is all Korean. If you do not buy a Korean
Reduce the working generation of revenue to the point that can not be life.
Increase the resources it imports the nuclear power plant is the opposite
Further acceleration to increase the debt.

You guys, because not something absolutely peace life.
Our grandson teacher is lucky to.
Sohn, Thanks for primary opposition.
Japan South Korea me to say that it is a criminal
Thank you.
In the future, the way to cause nuclear power plant pollution damage lawsuit
Thanks made by.
This let's the compensation of several trillion yen in Japan.

Sohn, by all means a successful solar business,
TV and at the same time, please take over the electrical infrastructure.
And construction with a South Korean material,
Electricity charges of thoroughly expensive from Japanese
And Mushirito'
Please doing to the discrimination have been revenge childhood.
www also had been deficit fell News in the news Kopan now

Once we have from you guys
"I !! be because you guys were just things like flow money to Korea."
I think I want to say I w
That's right www
Stupid woman After hijack the TV station will catch.
Foolish woman is pulling the legs,
The gold of the Japanese man who worked in think to die
w that makes passing on Korea
Decreased husband's income, bought a cheap Korean for households,
Also it makes me eat my husband.

Because not that this mon still.
Using the TV, as Japan's money flows almost to South Korea
Since we recommend thoroughly.
The production costs of the program
Have us out to Fuji and NTV
The Kao of Japanese companies,
There are only words of thanks.

While looking at the different world living ♯5 to start from scratch

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